Keywords: decentralization of state power, rights system, local government, innovative development, economy.


Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the National University «Chernihiv Polytechnic» Chernihiv, Ukraine





Getter, National University “Chernihiv Polytechnic” Chernihiv, Ukraine




The article provides an in-depth analysis of issues related to improving the effectiveness of decentralization of power in order to ensure economic development. The implementation of  the  process  of  decentralization  of  authority,  which  is based on the principles of subsidiarity, that is, the transfer of authority to a particular level of government, where such authority can be exercised by approaching directly to the subjects of management, at a lower level, away from the center and without delay in execution. It should be noted that the existence of human rights in their broadest sense within the territorial community is justified, since it is determined by its rather wide composition, which includes not only citizens of the state in whose territory such community functions. This approach should also find their legislative regulation, since the term “resident” as used in the Constitution of Ukraine and the profile law, may not fully reflect this state of affairs.

Municipal reform in Ukraine is directly, meaningfully, functionally, technologically and connotatively connected with the decentralization of the powers of state public authority, that is, with the process of transferring them to lower management sabers — or state (the level of local state administrations, which in the long term during the municipal reform will be transformed into the executive committees of regional and district councils) or self–governing – to the level of public self–governing (municipal) government, that is, to the level of local governments (hereinafter referred to as LSGs) of various levels, starting from village, town, city councils, and ending with new united communities at the indicated levels, created with the aim of optimizing (territorial and power–empowered) territorial communities – and ending with regional and district councils, which should receive the full power of a self–governing government, with their own powers and executive committees.

It is substantiated that the main tool of the state, which ensures the effective formation and development of the innovative potential of the economy are European integration programs. The complex technology of development of programs of innovative development of economy which considers decisions of financial and economic, organizational, marketing, personnel, social and other problems of innovative development is presented in the form of the integrated program. To ensure the effectiveness of integration processes of innovative economic development, a functional model is proposed, which provides for the unification of socio-economic interests of all stakeholders.



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