Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship
Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications ,
Kazakhstan, Almaty
Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Modeling,
Sterlitamak branch of Bashkir State University
Russia, Sterlitamak
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economics
and Law, Kazakh-American University
Kazakhstan, Almaty
The article shows that modern economic trends in the development of an enterprise require the search for effective mechanisms and tools for the development and application of economic and mathematical methods and models in planning the management processes of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise in order to obtain a more comprehensive, fairly complete and objective management system, more complete coverage influence of factors on the results of commercial activities, replacement of approximate or simplified calculations with accurate calculations, formulation and solution of new multidimensional analysis problems.
The importance of optimization control models is noted. It also points to the need to apply such methods and models that would allow planning, motivating and predicting the future state and behavior in the process of enterprise management. The use of economic and mathematical modeling makes it possible to determine a production plan that makes it possible to direct economic processes in the right direction.
The basis for the creation of an economic and mathematical model of the financial and economic activity of an enterprise is the construction of a model for optimizing the activity of an enterprise according to the criterion of maximizing profits and restrictions on the volume of capital and labor resources spent. The indicator of maximum profit is considered as the main criterion of optimality. The profit maximization criterion fully meets the main goal of the enterprise, i.e. increasing the economic efficiency of production and commercial activities of the enterprise.
Economic and mathematical modeling in the analysis of economic processes and systems was carried out in several stages: at the first stage, economic problems were identified, and its qualitative analysis was carried out. At this stage, the most important features and properties of the simulated object were identified, the structure of the object and the main dependencies were investigated; at the second stage, a mathematical model was built, i.e. an economic problem was formalized, which was reflected in specific mathematical dependencies and relationships; at the third stage, mathematical analysis was carried out. The main goal in this case is to identify the same properties of the model; at the fourth stage, the initial data were prepared; at the fifth stage, a numerical solution was carried out; at the sixth, final stage, the numerical results and the rationality of their application were analyzed.
One of the ways to improve the financial and economic activities of enterprises is the use of economic and mathematical methods and models. In order to determine the production possibilities for ensuring the maximum use of resources and assessing the economic results in this work, methods of economic and mathematical modeling were used to optimize the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.
As a result of using the optimization model of the financial and economic activity of the enterprise, it was obtained that in the short term, with a fixed volume of fixed assets, in order to achieve the highest profit, it is necessary to increase the number of employees at the enterprise to 5422 people.
Keywords: economic and mathematical methods, economic activity of an enterprise, analysis of financial indicators, communication and correlation assessment, regression analysis, periodic fluctuations of economic indicators;
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