• Eka Lekashvili
  • Giorgi Kraveishvili
Keywords: Georgia, Turkiye, industrial policy

Eka Lekashvili

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University,


orcid-og-image4.png https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9781-7620

Giorgi Kraveishvili,

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University,



Research goal: Within the framework of the grant competition of the Faculty of Economics and Business at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, was developed the research project "Formation of industrial policy coordinated with the requirements of EU integration and the possibilities of its implementation in Georgia". The application was developed by the repres­en­ta­tives of the Department of Economic Policy. The actuality of the research problem is determined by the goals of implementation of the requirements of  Georgia’s  Association Agreement with the Eu­ro­pean Union. The purpose of the mentioned grant project is to analyze the possibilities of the for­ma­tion of the coordinated industrial policy with the requirements of the European Union and its imp­lementation in Georgia. To achieve this goal, it is important to analyze the successful and un­successful experiences of industrial policy development, coordination and implementation of EU member, candidate and potential candidate countries.

The purpose of this scientific paper is to analyze the experience of development, coordination and implementation the industrial policy of Turkiye,  as an associate member of the Eu­ro­pean Union in order to offer recommendations for the development of the industrial policy of Ge­orgia.


Methodology/approach. The research is based on using the analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, chronological and comparison, case study methods, as well as expert assessments, theo­re­tical and applied studies of international organizations and scientific-economists.

Fou­nding.  The paper discusses the strategic directions and reforms of the industrial policy of Tur­kiye, as an associated country of the European Union, that contributed to the country's economic str­engthening, development and entry into the European Union market. The experience of Turkiye 's ind­ustrial policy clearly shows that without the stimulating policy of national strategic industries, the country would not be able to participate in the competitive struggle in the EU market. By imp­lem­enting industry-supporting measures from the state, appropriate environmental conditions were cre­ated for the strengthening of domestic industry, which reflected the development of Turkiye,  as a country.


Originality/scientific innovation. The scientific novelty of the paper  is analyzed  and pro­ce­ssed valid information and scientific conclusions about the evolution of modern Turkish industrial po­licy, that is provided to the Georgian scientific community, policy makers and interested parties in a syst­ematized format with scientific objectivity and impartiality.

Pra­c­tical value/consequences. Studying the successful experience of Turkiye, as the neighbor, the main trade-economic and strategic partner of Georgia, recommendations formed for creation and imp­lementation of industrial policy, that will support the process of integrating Georgia into the Eu­ropean Union, taking into account not only the sovereign, but also the regional context.


Key words: Georgia, Turkiye, industrial policy.


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